Review: £10,000 Commission for Landscape Artist of the Year 2025
*This post follows on from my review of the Final of Landscape Arrtist of
the Year - see Ben MacGregor wins Landscape Artist of the Year 2025* - and
deals ...
4th Annual Exhibition by Urban Sketchers London - at Timberyard Soho
The fourth exhibition by London Urban Sketchers - and the third at branches
of Timberyard - opens next week on Monday 2nd November. It's really great
to be...
Winsor & Newton change watercolour paint tubes - again!
A lot of artists will be very pleased that Winsor & Newton have listened to
all the complaints about the design of the new tubes for professional water
Art Competition: £10,000 prize for Landscape Artists
Read my blog post about the Call for Entries for the Sky Arts Landscape
Artist of the Year 2015 If you're interested in: winning a £10,000
landscape art co...
Marley - and back to Bingley
The next bit of the walk, alongside the railway line, was really tricky as
the path ran between two fences and was almost completely overgrown. I got
The Final touches to the Corn Queen
She is truly magnificent this year, the Corn Queen's final touches are
applied before the big day. Apple festival at Borough Market last weekend,
a cel...
Red Squirrel - 10 Years On
Peter Trimming is the man taking the photograph. On his flickr site there
are quite some more pictures.
My stroke happened 4 years back. Today I am slow...
George Street Oxford Closed
That is a major road closure. For a whole month from tomorrow on one of
Oxford busiest bus streets, George Street the road will be closed for works
by Th...
An East End Event
A relatively common sight in this part of London is a horse drawn funeral.
For all the dignified spectacle, you can never stop wondering exactly what
Grilled Lobster and fine Rosé (for “end of summer blues”) How to extend summer, although Autumn has just arrived: First, you will need some grilled lobsters, skewered lengthwise so they don’t curl up from the he...
Monument to Giuseppe Verdi
[image: Monument to Giuseppe Verdi by Ettore Ximenes, Piazzale della Pace,
Monument to Giuseppe Verdi by Ettore Ximene...
A walk around Christchurch
Today was a stunning Autumnal day – everyone was out exploring the city and
enjoying the gardens. I got a new phone this week, so have been testing out
Lethbridge Winter 2014 Two images pulled from the archives that highlight a cold night in Lethbridge as the snow started to fall. A plow truck tailing behind the car I’m shooting...
Merci pour les souvenirs
I created my Birmingham Daily Photo Blog in June 2008, after following Eric
Tenin's Paris Daily Photo ( pictured on the bottom right). Six months
Duck Crossing
Road traffic on Long Island is not for the faint of heart, for wildlife or
[image: Subscribe with Bloglines]
Happy Birthday, Birdman!
Let's celebrate the wonderful Mark Norton, AKA Birdman, who would have been
gleefully observing his birthday today. In just a couple of months my book,
Erik and Bayley - San Francisco City Hall Wedding Photographer
Every wedding is beautiful, without fail, but there's something in the
intimacy of City Hall weddings that just speaks to me. Every single person
there ...
[image: Photography Prints] Hi my dear friends of this OLD blog of mine: I'm back, back, back, back...... blogging again!!!!! :-) I made this decisio...
Italie-Decouverte Dear VDP friends. First of all I'd like to apologize for this long silence. I'll do my best to resume Venice Daily Photo as soon as p...
A Tree Grows in Havana
Amidst the urban decay, trees take root in the strangest places. Did you
ever watch the show "Life After People"? It's a series that explores what ...